Hello Beautiful Human--

You have reached a safe space where
all beings are celebrated, honored, & embraced-Equally.
No exceptions or excuses.
Get to know me

Hi, I’m Brianne

I’m someone who’s spent a lot of time untangling the knots of fear, self-doubt, and old patterns that kept me from living life to the fullest. It was several years into my own journey that I realized healing isn’t linear and that each step—whether forward, backward, or sideways—is an equally important part of the process. My approach? To meet you exactly where you are in this moment and walk with you—offering compassion and space so you can start untangling those deep-seated core beliefs.

My Story

For years, I found myself in a loop—cycling through behaviors and subconscious patterns that left me feeling unfulfilled. Fear, stress, and anxiety were constant companions, and I often turned to quick dopamine hits like food, TV, substances, external validation, and even burning myself out at work to feel better, even if just for a moment. Life was an emotional rollercoaster, and it took a toll on my body and spirit. But there was always a quiet voice inside, a sense that there had to be more to life than what I was experiencing. Listening to that voice led me to embark on a solo six-month soul quest through South America, a transformative experience that changed the trajectory of my life.

My Work

I’m a certified NeuroDynamic Breathwork™ facilitator, having completed an in-depth six-month training that focused on ethics, holding space for others, self-development, and the pioneering work of Dr. Stan Grof. My journey has also led me to holistic wellness coaching and Reiki, where I’ve deepened my practice as a level-2 Reiki practitioner. My interest in the healing potential of psychedelics has guided me to explore various entheogens, further enriching my understanding of the therapeutic process. Additionally, I am a professionally trained chef, a craft that has taught me the importance of creativity, mindfulness, and what it means to be hospitable in everyday life.

Living with Chronic Lyme

Living with chronic Lyme disease has shaped my approach to health and wellness in profound ways. It’s taught me about resilience, patience, and the importance of self-compassion. I bring these lessons into my work, understanding that healing is a journey, not a destination.

What I’m Passionate About

As part of the LGBTQIA+ community, I find great joy in creating inclusive spaces where everyone feels welcome and safe. Beyond work, I’m a seeker, always striving to live life to the fullest—whether that’s through traveling, scuba diving, riding my motorcycle, learning a new skill or hobby, or listening to podcasts while hiking with my dog. I’m also passionate about community—living in it, supporting it, and giving back to it. My dream is to co-create a community with a healing retreat center that serves as a haven for growth, transformation, and a sanctuary for rescued animals.

Why I Do This Work

I believe in showing up for life with excitement and compassion, embracing all the experiences that come our way—the good, the challenging, and the awe-inspiring. My goal isn’t to have all the answers, but to walk this path alongside others and serve the collective, exploring what it means to live authentically and with purpose....while having as much fun as humanly possible!

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Go ALL-IN on yourself!
Take control of your life, let go of all the self-limiting beliefs you never signed up for, and allow yourself to embrace all the unique gifts you were designed to share with the world.

You were created to shine your light.
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